The House of the Customs Guard in the Stockholm Freeport in 1958. Originally built in 1927 and 1934, the buildings have been empty for decades and are in a state of disrepair. We are involved in the restoration of the buildings. Photo from Stockholm City Archives.
Heritage Impact assessments - World Heritage Sites
Heritage Statements/Preliminary studies
Heritage Programmes / Conservation Plans / Architectural Policies
Care and Maintenance programmes
We offer heritage consultancy services at all levels. From antiquarian participation in accordance with Swedish legislation, to World Heritage Impact Assessments in accordance with the World Heritage Convention.
We specialise in providing consultancy services for development in world heritage sites and sites of national interest in Sweden.
Heritage Impact assessments - världsarv
Antikvariska förundersökningar
Sakkunnig avseende kulturvärden
Kulturmiljöprogram / Bevarandeplaner / Arkitekturpolicys
Vi erbjuder antikvariska konsulttjänster i alla skalor, från sakkunnig kontrollant av kulturvärden enl. PBL via kommuntäckande kulturmiljöprogram till konsekvensanalyser av påverkan på världsarv (Heritage Impact Assessments).
Vi är specialiserade på att erbjuda konsulttjänster avseende utveckling i världsarvsmiljöer och riksintressen för kulturmiljövården.
Central Lund. We have recently completed a National Interest Heritage Assessment commissioned by Science Village Scandinavia. Photo: Mattias Eklund.
Husby, Stockholm in the 1980's. We have been involved with the renovation of ICA-hallen in Husby centrum.
Photo by Svenska Aerobilder 1982.
Bryggaregården, Karlskrona. We have been working with World Heritage issues in Karlskrona since 2016. We are currently working on a Heritage Impact Assessment for the former oil harbour. Photo: Mattias Eklund
Frimurare-barnhuset Kristineberg, Stockholm. The buildings now house a school and we have assisted in upgrading the emergency lighting. Original drawings by J F Åbom stored at the Stockholm City archives.
Skålhamra Manor dates back to the Viking Age and is mentioned on local rune stones. The current main building was built in 1880. We are helping the current owners, Täby GK, to rearrange and optimise their premises to better suit their needs. Photo: Mattias Eklund.
Grand Hôtel Saltsjöbaden in 1958. We are helping the new owners to restore the landmark hotel to its original grandeur as well as adapting the building to meet the requirements of the visitors of today. Photo: Svenska Aero-bilder.
Rudboda Manor in Lidingö, Sweden was built in the early 1800's and is a very well preserved manor in the late Empire style. We are helping the new owners to restore the buildings to their original state. Photo: Mattias Eklund.
Terrace house in Bäckby, Västerås. Architectural drawing by D Wennberg 1973. We are currently working on a heritage statement regarding the central part of Bäckby. Photo: Västerås city museum.
Garnisonskapellet Silverdal, Sollentuna.
Photogrammetry using a drone by Mattias Eklund.
Client: Sollentuna församling
Stockholm office:
Skeppsbron 44
111 30 Stockholm
Lund office:
Råbygatan 5A
223 61 Lund